“Nothing you do for children is ever wasted.” ― Garrison Keillor

  • Pack meals for hungry children. Register for Feed My Starving Children at FMSC.org
  • Distribute food at a food pantry. Search for one near you at FoodPantries.org
  • Work with low-income high school students. Become a mentor or writing adviser at MindsMatter.org
  • Design a social-media strategy for a nonprofit. Sign up at Sparked.com to find tech-needy groups.
  • Coach a team of kids or teens. Go to YMCA.net to find a branch near you.

Look at children. Of course they may quarrel, but generally speaking they do not harbor ill feelings as much or as long as adults do. Most adults have the advantage of education over children, but what is the use of an education if they show a big smile while hiding negative feelings deep inside? Children don’t usually act in such a manner. If they feel angry with someone, they express it, and then it is finished. They can still play with that person the following day.

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